Employment reference checks are considered as one of the best tools to inquire about a prospective employee. Reference checking has always been an important factor for all the companies who want to make the informed decision of hiring the right employee.These days’ applicants are asked to provide employment references, such as previous employers or coworkers, whom employers can contact to learn more about the candidate. Employment reference checks are used to verify truthfulness and accuracy of information applicants provide about themselves and to reveal negative job-related background information hidden by the applicants.Unfortunately, previous employers are increasingly reluctant to provide references or background check information for fear of being sued by previous employees for defamation. If former employers provide potential employers with unsubstantiated information that damages applicants’ chances of being hired, applicants can (and do) sue for defamation. As a result, 54 percent of employers will not provide information about previous employees.This situation is very discouraging for employers as it creates a hindrance in their fair selection process and in determining the true value of an employee. But as we know that there is always a way to handle things with care to get optimum results without a problem. So by remembering the basic goals and using best practices in employment reference checks cannot only save time but also relieve all the fears of defamation.Two Essential Goals for Employment Reference Checks:
To discourage applicants to hide something. An applicant with a serious criminal conviction is less likely to apply in the organizations that announce pre-employment background and referencing.
To encourage applicants to be very honest in their applications and interviews. Since applicants are told there is a background check, they have a motivation to reveal information about themselves they feel may be uncovered with a probable reference check.
Best Practices When Checking Employment References: Employers have a number of options with regard to checking the references of a prospective employee. These can change from having the human resources person or the hiring manager call the former supervisor directly to check the reference, to third party to collect background information on a candidate, including checking references, and then reporting back to prospective employer.If an employer decides for employment reference checks than they should be looking into the following guidelines:
Include a statement on the application for employment directly above the applicant’s signature line stating that all information on the application on the application is subject to verification and that any false or misleading information may result in refusal to hire or, if already hired, the immediate termination of employment.
Require every applicant for employment to sign a waiver and consent form authorizing the prospective employer to check references and authorizing all former employers, supervisors, and managers to release information in response to a request for a reference and/or verification of employment.
Establish a written procedure for reference checking including when in the hiring process reference checks will be conducted, who will conduct the reference checks, and what kinds of documentation will be kept of information obtained through reference check.
Limit questions to information that is job-related; don’t ask for medical information, information about physical characteristics, and/or other personal information that is not related to the employee’s conduct on the job.
Consider preparing a list of job-related questions that will be asked of all finalists for a particular position. This may help avoid claims of discrimination or claims that prospective employer inquired about the information that it was not legally entitled to have.
Be fair and consistent.
Employment Reference Checks – Best Practices When Checking Employee References!
Mortgage Brokers: Basics That You Should Know
The term mortgage broker refers to a company or person that can make arrangement for a mortgage between two entities. These entities are usually a lender and a borrower. The lender is known as a mortgage lender. This professional works directly with the borrower to help them opt for the right type of mortgage. In this article, we are going to find out more about this professional. Read on to now more.
Why should you use a Mortgage Broker?
Basically, this professional helps you throughout the process of looking for and applying for a mortgage. Their role is to get you the best deal on the basis of your circumstances. Listed below are some of the services they offer.
They help you make an assessment of your financial situation
They suggest the most suitable option to meet your needs
They help you search the market to help you look for the best deal to match your criteria
Now that you know about the role of these professionals, we suggest that you check out the pros and cons of working with one. This will help you decide whether you should go with these pros or not.
Convenience: If you don’t know anything about these markets and finance, you may want to work with a broker. After all, it requires a great deal of time, money and effort to look for deals, handle the paperwork and talk to lenders.
Access: Since these pros have a good deal of experience in the field, they are in touch with other professionals as well. For instance, they have a good business relationship with many lenders as well. Therefore, they can help you look for the best deal based on your needs.
Expertise: The problem is that the mortgage industry is not easy for everyone to understand. When the rate of interest goes up or down, it has a great impact on the number of mortgage deals. Therefore, consulting an expert is a stroke of genius. After all, you don’t want to make decisions based on your lack of knowledge.
Cost: Since these professionals charge for their services, you may have to set a budget to use their services. This will reduce the amount of money you can set aside for rainy days.
The service charges of these professionals vary significantly. Therefore, we suggest that you shop around before hiring one to meet your needs.
Limitations: It’s important to keep in mind that not all of these brokers have access to the whole market, which means depending on a single broker may limit the options available to you.
Quality: Experience and qualifications may vary between brokers. Therefore, if you end up hiring an inexperienced one, you may not be able to go through the process in a timely fashion. And you may not be able to get the best deal.
Honoring the Memory of Your Lost Pet
Anyone who is a true animal lover will tell you that the loss of a pet can sting every bit as much as losing a human friend or family member.Unfortunately the sad truth is that most pets don’t have the same type of life span as a person. This means that losing a pet is often inevitable. For those who feel the loss of a pet, pet memorials can offer a sense of closure. It’s important to remember that a beloved pet is just as much a part of the family as any human being is. Honoring pets with pet memorials gives grieving family members the opportunity to come together and say goodbye.We have memorial services when we lose friends and family members, to have one for a pet is a normal part of the grieving process.Just because a pet was an animal does not reduce the significance that they had in your life. You can form a loving bond with a pet that can be very painful when it comes to an end.As pets get older there may come a time when an especially difficult decision must be made. When a beloved pet is suffering due to age and injury it is in the best interest of the animal to consider euthanasia. Although the thought of losing a pet may seem like it is too much to take, keeping a pet around that is suffering isn’t fair to the animal.When the time comes, euthanasia is a way for you to allow your pet to rest in peace and escape the suffering that age can bring. You can choose to take your pet to a local vet, or many vet offices will even come to your home to perform this merciful and compassionate service for you. Although the pain may be overwhelming at first, you can take comfort in knowing that you have done what is right for your pet. Your pet is no longer suffering, and can finally rest in peace.Once your pet has passed away it’s possible to still feel close to them when you choose pet cremation. Cremating your pet allows you to keep their remains in a manner which is legal and safe. Burying your pet has health issues and there are often laws in place that prevent you from doing so. Instead of burial you can choose to cremate your pet and keep their remains, and memory close to you. There are many types of urns for pet ashes that can be purchased allowing you to keep the ashes of your pet nearby. Memorial pet urns are a way to remember your pet and give them an honored place in your home.You can place a pet cremation urn on your mantle, or in another place of significance, allowing you and your family to remember how much your pet meant to you.Loss is a part of life. All of us lose loved ones and friends over time, and the loss of a pet can be just as painful. Why not honor your pet by choosing pet cremation? Your pet was a part of your life, for many people a pet could have been a companion for many years. You owe it to your pet to make certain that the end their lives with dignity and respect.When the time comes, and your pet is no longer healthy enough to function normally, you may have a difficult choice to make. You may have to choose euthanasia. Know that while this choice may be painful, it is the right choice to make. Even after yourpet has passed away you and your family can still feel close to him by placing his remains in one of the many pet memorial urns that are available. With your pet’s ashes nearby you and your family will be reminded not of the pain of losing him, but of the joy that he brought to your lives.Your pet probably spent most of his life in loyal service to you and your family. He probably wanted nothing more than to please and protect his human masters. By having a memorial service for him, and choosing pet cremation, you can honor him in the way that he deserves.